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List of 762 companies related to Van Thinh Phat case "freeze" assets

At the request of the Ministry of Public Security, on October 3, the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment issued a written request to suspend the transaction of transferring shares and contributed capital of 762 companies and individuals in the cities and other provinces. The table is related to the case of Van Thinh Phat Group. The document sent to departments, agencies and 30 People's Committees of districts, towns in the city is said to prevent organizations and individuals from dispersing assets, helping the Police Agency for the investigation, the Ministry of Public Security collects information and documents to serve the investigation.

(Head-office of Van Thinh Phat in HCMC)

On October 8, the Investigative Police Agency of the Ministry of Public Security prosecuted and detained Ms. Truong My Lan (birth-year of 1956, Chairman of Van Thinh Phat Group) and other senior leaders of the group on charges of crime to obtain assets of investors.

During this investigation time, to avoid risks, investors should not carry out any transaction with any company in this list.

Here below is the list of 762 related companies (company name & tax code)

SaoKhue Investment & Trade Promotion Corp



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